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  • Writer's pictureCandace

5 things to help improve your sleep

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Sleep is when our body recovers. Consistently getting enough rest can help physical, emotional, and mental health. Practicing good sleep hygiene can set us up for better sleep.

1. Limit screen time

Screen time late into the evening can contribute to difficulty falling and staying asleep. Using screens can keep our brains wired. It is recommended that we disconnect from screens 30 minutes before going to bed.

2. Exercise

Tiring our bodies out during the day is a great way to help you fall asleep at night. But don't exercise TOO close to your bedtime or you might be wired.

3. Keep a routine

Having a nightly routine helps our brains and bodies know when it is time for rest. This goes for going to bed at a similar time each night as well.

4. Only sleep in your bed

If we get into the habit of doing work while in bed, our brain starts to associate being in bed with having to be alert and thinking. Make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleeping - dark, cool, quiet, comfortable - and that only sleeping happens, no work.

5. Limit caffeine intake

Caffeine is great when we are tired and need to be awake, but closer to bedtime it can be our enemy. Limit caffeine intake at least 4 hours before bedtime.

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